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how to succeed in a market

First off we would like to take a moment to say that a successful market looks different for everyone, and that a successful market doesn't always mean the amount of sales you made that day,

it could mean the amount of business cards you handed out,

or the amount of new connections you made,

or simply making new friendships with fellow small shop owners.

Always remember that you make a long lasting impression for days after you pack up and leave a market.

As a small business owner you are the face behind it all, so sometimes that can be a little scary.

You are throwing yourself out there into the world, and your face, your whole identity is tied to this brand.

When you apply to a local market,

your first thought is how can I put myself out there and sell my products to real LIVE people, if you are used to selling online.

Our advice to you is to sell yourself.

Sell your personality.

Sell your WHY.

Why did you create these products?

Why did you start this business?

Those answers are your golden ticket.

Make sure you are sharing it with your neighbors at the market,

make sure you are confident when potential buyers come walking past your table.

Remember that they know nothing about what you sell, or nothing about you, but they came for a reason.

Even if it's not to make a purchase that day, they came out to support their local small business owners, so hand them a business card.

Maybe in a week from now they will be thinking about you,

Or maybe they will recommend you to a family member or a close friend.

The same goes for making connections with those around you, your fellow small business owners.

Those are your people.

They have similar interests as you,

They are there for the same reasons as you,

and not only that they know the importance of supporting locals and will more than likely start following your journey on social media to see where you will be popping up next, because they are your community, your own personal cheerleaders, your soon to be best friends.

All in all our advice is simple.


Don't hide behind your table, or behind your phone.

YOU created this business. BE proud.

Most importantly remember that we YOUR MARKET HOSTS are here for you every step of the way.

So next time you sign up for a market, come prepared to succeed.

Lots of Love

Miranda & Ashley

Little Hearts Markets

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